
Where to Put Flashbacks

Since I’ve been talking lately about backstory wounds (see this post, and this one, too) I now want to talk about general backstory and flashbacks. That is, the stuff that comes before your story opens but plays a role in the formation of both character and plot going forward. Where to Start Telling Your Tale… Read more »

For Writers: Revision

I love revision. My first drafts tend to be real ugly ducklings. If there’s a swan inside, it only emerges after multiple revisions. In this post, I’m giving you two things: first, my ten-point global revision technique; and second, my detail checklist. The detail checklist is especially helpful for getting rid of those pesky errors… Read more »

Writing Craft Tips: Plot

This week I thought I’d give you a few links to older content regarding plot that still may be helpful for whatever you’re struggling with. Next week, I’ll link to the tons of content on building characters. Plot One of my most popular craft links is to this plot paradigm. It’s available for you to… Read more »

Character or Plot: Which Comes First?

I’m a fan of the Marvel Universe. I find the dialogue snappy, I love the embedded humor, I enjoy the ridiculous costumes and sets, and even the not terribly well-hidden messages. But these mindless movies beg one serious writerly question: is the plot or the characters? Do we create plot-driven or character-driven stories and why?… Read more »

Bury the Backstory

Recently I watched one of my all-time favorite movies yet again, A Knight’s Tale with the late Heath Ledger. I love it for its quirky characters, its wry humor, its evocative dialogue, its historical twists, and its way of making history relevant by the use of contemporary music. But I also love the way the… Read more »