
Writing Craft Tips: Plot

This week I thought I’d give you a few links to older content regarding plot that still may be helpful for whatever you’re struggling with. Next week, I’ll link to the tons of content on building characters. Plot One of my most popular craft links is to this plot paradigm. It’s available for you to… Read more »

3 Exercises to Uncover Your Personal Life Theme

What the heck is a “personal life theme”? And why, you may ask, would I want to uncover mine? (Do note that this exercise is a bit of personal therapy.) Aside from the general importance of self-knowledge, for a writer, understanding our life theme can guide us in choosing which books to write and how… Read more »

Theme, or More To the Point

Confession: I think theme is the hardest thing to define when writing a story. Often I don’t know the true story theme until I’m well into revision. What’s that you say? How can I write a novel without knowing what I’m writing about? Great question. Starting With Character Honestly, I think all great stories are… Read more »