If you are lucky enough to live in a town with an independent bookseller (and they deliver or provide other pandemic-related services), I hope you support them. But if you don’t, I hope you’ll consider Bookshop as your online retailer for your book purchases.
Bookshop supports indie booksellers by giving back a percentage of sales, and it supports authors by allowing us to set up affiliate links to our in-print books – wherein authors also receive a percentage of sales. You can find curated lists of great reads. Right now they offer gift wrapping and free shipping, and they always offer books at a discount comparable to other retailers, including the one we all know and love to hate. They are constantly updating and improving their services, and I love the whole idea.
My Spooky Middle Grade group has a “bookstore”, and I’m also an affiliate, so if you’re looking for spooky books or my books you’ll find them there.
As always, if you would like to purchase my books and have them signed and personalized, I do have a wonderful indie bookstore right here in Bozeman, Montana, Country Bookshelf, and they’ll be happy to let me know of your wishes.
Rather than purchasing your book gifts this season from the Big Behemoth, if you don’t have an indie bookstore or can’t get out to buy books, won’t you consider Bookshop?
Great idea, Janet! I subscribe to Bookshop’s newsletter, so yay, Bookshop!
Oh, that’s great, Linda!! They are a wonderful new alternative, and great for authors, too. Thanks!!!