Gaming The Library

A library to the uninitiated (i.e., young students everywhere) can be a bit confusing. Fortunately, we’ve got a game for that!library game

For librarians, teachers, parents, readers, book groups……the clever Kirsten Cappy of Curious City has created an Event Kit with a fun and interactive game that encourages students to find puzzle pieces hidden in different books (books that should be familiar to students ages 10 to 14) throughout the library, and then come together with their pieces to solve an overarching mystery in a final collaborative exercise.hidden in the library

I’m delighted, because the source of the puzzle and mystery is THE CHARMED CHILDREN OF ROOKSKILL CASTLE – although you don’t have to have read the book in order to play the game.

Librarians, booksellers, and book clubs can use the Event Kit not only to engage readers with the mysterious literary and historical elements of THE CHARMED CHILDREN, but also to engage readers in using the library or bookstore as a resource. School librarians may find the kit to be a great way to introduce readers to the layout and search tools of the library at the beginning of the term.2016-07-07 16.47.16

On this page, under “Resources”, on the website, you’ll find free downloadable instructions and reproducible images for use in the game.

We’d love to have feedback if you do play the game. And coming in October…a creeptastic and spooktacular giveaway of cool library-fun swag!

Here’s to libraries!

2 Responses to “Gaming The Library”

    • Janet

      Thanks, Linda!! It was a collaborative effort and I love the way it turned out. Kirsten is the best!