Ready for Halloween? I grew up in a haunted house. Yup, really. Free-lance writer Sally Diamond has written a spooky-fun guest post on… Surviving the Night at a Haunted House Did you know that 45% of Americans believe in ghosts and haunted houses. Have you ever spent the night somewhere that felt creepy? Maybe something just didn’t… Read more »
Haunted House!! A Spooky Guest Post
Things That Go Bump In The Night
” ‘Hainted, it is, with grindings and screeches…’ page 23, THE CHARMED CHILDREN OF ROOKSKILL CASTLE. Ghost. Phantom, apparition, spook. Commonly thought to be the spirit of a dead person appearing in lifelike form. The Scots, it turns out, are very into ghosts. The word wraith first appears in 18th century Scottish romantic literature; the… Read more »
Haunted Castles of Scotland
What is it about castles, especially the ancient castles of the British Isles? I love them, and so, it seems, do many of you. Here’s my guess as to why they are fascinating: they’re big and elaborate; they’re old and so have plenty of interesting history; and many of them are apparently haunted. As I… Read more »