Dear Dedicated Readers…
I’m changing a bit of what I share on this blog.
As you may know, I love to write about the craft of writing. I have lots of thoughts – hopefully helpful! I also love to host other authors here, share favorite book lists, and other fun stuff.
Recently I became a Medium blogger. Medium is a subscription platform that attracts an amazingly huge audience, allowing writers to gain attention from new readers, and (here’s the kicker) pays the writer by the number of views the post gets. As a subscriber, you can view a certain number of posts each month for free, but otherwise subscription income is given back to the content providers.
Like me.
While we are not talking huge sums, income is income. My first post surprised me by gaining modest attention, and a few bucks. One catch with Medium is that the posts there must be completely original. I don’t think I can come up with two different craft posts every couple of weeks or more without exhausting myself.
So…I will be moving my writing craft posts over to Medium.
Don’t despair – I am allowed to share links that will allow you to read my posts for free. And I will do that here, each time I post on Medium, with a description of the content.
This blog will still host fellow authors. And I’m adding content for teachers, librarians, and home-schoolers – things that will help them in their work in these tough times. And I’ll talk about my favorite craft books. And, yes, I’ll talk about my own books, too, as it comes with the job description. I’ll still talk about writing, just not quite at the same level or frequency.
So please stick with me so you can retrieve the links as I do share craft thoughts over on Medium. Speaking of, here’s the most recent. It’s an article about why it’s important to let the writing mind rest, with a craft tip for how to see deeper into the story.
Thanks for hanging with me!!